Breaking the Cycle of Poverty one Child at a Time

He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, And carry them in His bosom, And gently lead those who are with young (Isaiah 40:11).

One of the biggest challenges in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean islands is the increasing number of widows and orphans. This Could be due to different factors ranging from civil wars, HIV-AIDS, or natural attrition. Whatever the cause, the widows and orphans need support, both material and spiritual, to be what God intended for them to be, and to live as full a life as they can. While Wajane International Foundation works with widows in economic empowerment projects, the orphans need to be taken care of. Wajane International Foundation believes that every child should be given the support they need to achieve their dreams, while trying as much as possible, to reduce the stigma associated with orphanhood. One of the approaches is the Faith academy.

This is a school envisioned to grow to be self-supporting. The idea is to build a school which will use sustainable agricultural practices to ensure self-sufficiency in food for the orphans, while at the same time raising the children to be as independent as possible, through the word of God and character-building initiatives.

It is envisioned to be a place where orphans can learn alongside other children who have both parents, to reduce the impact of the stigma associated with poverty and orphanhood.  Psalms 58:5 “…A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows…”

Please pray about partnering with us in this work of God on behalf of such children. Stage 1 is the purchase of the land. See the list below the successive stages of this project.

The initial cost for the home (which will include the purchase of the land, construction, furnishing and registration) will be US $93,000. It is our prayer that this will become a reality soon enough to provide a home of refuge for orphans who have nowhere to go due to different challenges with their living relatives.


Stages Cost (US$)
1. (Current Goal) Purchase of Land 10,000
2. Constructions (Hostels, Chapel, Playground, Kitchen And Dining Rooms) 30,000
3. Furniture 10,000
4. Food 5000
5. Clothing 5000
6. Healthcare 3000
7. Education (fees, books, uniforms etc.) 18,000
8. Salaries (3 Workers) 10,000
9. Entertainment (toys, etc.) 500
10. Registration and Licensing A 500
11. Misc 1000
Total 93,000



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